School Dinners
About our Dinners


Children are able to stay for a school meal or bring a packed lunch.

The cost of school meals will is £2.95 per dinner.  Dinners should be paid for before they are taken, therefore please make your payment for the week on or before Monday morning via the online payment system.

Cash payments can also be made using a PayPoint card at any shop or outlet where the PayPoint symbol is displayed. You will need to order a PayPoint Card from the School Office, there will be a £1.50 charge for each card issued.

We will accept payment in advance so you can pay for a half term or term's worth of dinners if this is more convenient for you than weekly payments.

We are happy for children to have school dinners on some days and packed lunch on others. Please ensure that dinner money payments are still made on a Monday and that parents book their children's meals in advance.

We have a cafeteria system, usually giving the children two main course options and a dessert each day.  Meals are very good value, with high quality ingredients and cooked on the premises.  Please take time to discuss this with your child so they can be encouraged to choose a balanced meal. 

Coombs Catering are provide our school meals and we work with them to provide new school menu's every term. 


Children Snacks      

       The children may bring a healthy snack for break time.  This can only consist of fruit or raw vegetables (e.g. carrot sticks).  Free fruit is not made available to pupils once they begin Key Stage 2 (Junior age) and so parents will need to provide this.  Children are not permitted to bring sweets, chocolate or crisps to school for snack time.

Parents and Carers should note that, due to possible nut allergies, all snacks and packed lunches should be completely nut free. Please also ensure that no products containing whole eggs or mayonnaise is given to their child in their packed lunch as we have children in that year group with serious egg allergies.

We encourage children to drink water in school, please ensure they have a water bottle in school every day. Children are not permitted to bring juice or fizzy drinks to school.  

Please also be aware that Prime bottles (even if they do not contain the Prime drink) are banned from our school. 



Confused about booking your child's school meals?

See our guidance's below:


